We provide our users with the most comprehensive and authentic explanation along the tour. We provide art galleries to use our platform to publish their exhibitions. Art Galleries will have opportunities for exhibitions: They will all have their own space for their detailed portfolio information and sell their art there.
We didn't limit ourselves to art galleries and added auctions.Authorized audition providers, will have their event for a specific time period. In this time period, you can bet on the art piece, and talk with the represented. Unlike the Art Galleries, auctions only happen in a specific time period and you have to register before. Once you enter, you are allowed to bet. In the event, you can ask questions to representor and look at the art piece carefully. At the end of the event, if you have the highest bet, you will get the art pieces.
There is also an option to look at the independent artist's piece who wants to be a part of our marketplace.
This project aimed to scope the next 10 years, we are going to incorporate cryptocurrency in our trading system of the auction, instead of cash and credit card people mostly use now.
This technology is an emerging technology that is still immature in a system where other options are widely scalable and accepted. We make buyers & artists feel trustworthy and responsible toward our company in the process of the transaction.